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DAY function

Note: This draft page is under construction 🚧


DAY is a function of the Date and Time category that extracts the day of the month from a valid date serial number, returning a number in the range [1, 31].



DAY(date) => day

Argument descriptions

  • date (number, required). The date for which the day of the month is to be calculated, expressed as a serial number in the range [0, 2958465]. The value 0 corresponds to the date 1899-12-30, while 2958465 corresponds to 9999-12-31.

Additional guidance

If the supplied date argument has a fractional part, DAY uses its floor value.

Returned value

DAY returns an integer number in the range [1, 31], that is the day of the month according to the Gregorian calendar.

Error conditions

  • In common with many other IronCalc functions, DAY propagates errors that are found in its argument.
  • If no argument, or more than one argument, is supplied, then DAY returns the #ERROR! error.
  • If the value of the date argument is not (or cannot be converted to) a number, then DAY returns the #VALUE! error.
  • For some argument values, DAY may return the #DIV/0! error.
  • If date is less than 0, or greater than 2,958,465, then DAY returns the #NUM! error.
  • At present, DAY does not accept a string representation of a date literal as an argument. For example, the formula =DAY("2024-12-31") returns the #VALUE! error.
  • For more information about the different types of errors that you may encounter when using IronCalc functions, visit our Error Types page.


IronCalc utilizes Rust's chrono crate to implement the DAY function.


See some examples in IronCalc.